

The next time you reboot Windows, it will automatically take the selected action for those files.


There is nothing else to do after adding the folders or files. More options are available for adding folders and files if you click on the plus button next to the Add button – you can add files or folders for deletion, for moving to specific folders or for moving to temporary folders. The user interface is very simple and you can just click on the Add button to select the files for deletion at reboot. This utility can be used to set files and folders to be deleted or moved at next Windows boot. And now the famous SoftwareOK developer Nenad Hrg has produced a similar utility called Delete.On.Reboot. We have developed a tool for this in the past called Delete on Boot that can be used to remove these files upon next system boot. If you want to delete such stubborn files, then you can make use of a feature of Windows that allows you to set these files for deletion upon system boot. The reason is mainly that these files are locked by some process or service and cannot be unlocked easily. Sometimes certain files in Windows simply refuse from being deleted.
