Whats telegram app
Whats telegram app

whats telegram app

This is similar to WhatsApp’s broadcast feature but it exists as a standalone feature in Telegram. Channels: Channels are essentially groups where only the admin can post.Supergroups also have certain quality-of-life improvements: allowing new members to see the entire chat history, removal of deleted messages for all members, and them being muted by default with fewer joined/left notifications. This is quite impressive compared to the 200 and 256 members per group on WhatsApp and Telegram’s normal groups respectively. Supergroup allows for 100,000 members to join a single group. Supergroups: Your normal group gets upgraded into a supergroup as soon as it gets full.Normal Groups: Groups where you add people from your contact list and can have at most 200 members and bots.Telegram allows for three different types of groups: WhatsApp’s business profiles can also be leveraged in various other ways to market your business and increase sales and customer satisfaction. This helps businesses provide customer support and deliver important notifications to their customers. Business profiles are provided with tools that allow for automating and quickly responding to customer messages. Business Profile: WhatsApp allows businesses to create a stand-alone business profile through which they can interact with customers easily.Broadcasts on WhatsApp also have a limit of 256 members. The recipients can view, interact and share the messages but cannot reply to them. This allows for the creation of a one-way communication channel – between the creator of the broadcast and recipients. Broadcasts: Broadcasts can be used for sending videos, images, and texts and can have any number of followers.Normal Groups: Groups where you can add people from your contacts list and can have at most 256 members.WhatsApp supports the creation of two types of groups and a stand-alone business profile:

Whats telegram app